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Table 2.

Description of the four selected best lens models.

Properties of selected lens models

Model ID Npar DoF Δrms [″] BIC AIC Description
LM-4HALOS 30 202 0.40 346 243 4941 Four cluster-scale halos, 212 cluster members including BCGs
LM-BCGs 28 204 0.45 408 311 6653 Three cluster-scale halos, 210 cluster members excluding BCGs
LM-HLBCGs 28 204 0.46 412 316 7217 Three cluster-scale halos, 212 cluster members including BCGs
LM-SHEAR 27 205 0.48 413 320 5042 Three cluster-scale halos, one shear term, one convergence term, 212 cluster members including BCGs

Notes. Npar and DoF are the number of model free-parameters and degrees-of-freedom. Δrms is the root-mean-square displacement between the positions of observed and model-predicted multiple images (see Eq. (5)). The BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) and AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) values are computed using Eq. (6). The value, defined in Eq. (11), quantifies the agreement between the model predicted and measured cluster member velocity dispersions. In the last column, we summarize the differences of the mass parametrization in the four lens models. The reference model selected on the basis of the best figure of merits (from column four to seven) is indicated in bold.

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