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Fig. 4.


Measured internal stellar velocity dispersions of 64 cluster member galaxies as a function of their magnitudes in the HST/F160W filter (filled circles). Their colors encode the mean signal-to-noise ratio of galaxy spectra (⟨S/N⟩). The magenta triangle refers to the bright galaxy member in Sys-14 (Gal − 8971). The green solid line is the best-fit relation obtained as described in Sect. 3.3, while the light green area corresponds to measured mean scatter around the best-fit (Δσap). The red band corresponds to the 68% confidence level of the σ  −  mF160W relation obtained from the optimization of our reference lens model (LM-4HALOS). The magenta square indicates the velocity dispersion of Gal − 8971 and its 1-σ error, as predicted by the lens model (see Sect. 3).

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