Fig. 2.

HST RGB image (F814W, F606W, F435W) of the central region of the galaxy cluster MACS 0416 at z = 0.396. The colored crosses mark the position of the 182 spectroscopic multiple images used to constrain the lens models: red crosses mark the 100 images in common with the catalog by C17, while the newly identified images are in green. The two BCGs of the cluster and the foreground galaxy at z = 0.112 are encircled in white. Colored rectangles highlight the systems of multiple images produced by eight background sources resolved into multiple clumps (see Sect. 2.2). The dotted cyan circle marks the position of the third predicted image of Sys-12. The bottom panels show three zoom-in images of systems 12 and 5, obtained from a median stack of the F814W, F606W, and F435W HST filters. The red and blue circles correspond to the red and green crosses in the main panel.
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