Fig. 15.

Marginalized posterior distributions of the normalizations and
of the cluster member scaling relations (see Eqs. (8) and (9)). Normalizations are computed at the magnitude of the BCG-N (
). Red distributions refer to the LM-4HALOS reference lens model; results from the previous model by B19 model are in blue. Colored contours encompass the 1, 2, 3σ confidence levels; the vertical solid and dashed lines correspond to the 50th, 16th and 84th percentiles of the marginalized distributions. The 1 and 2σ black dashed contours refer to the LM-4HALOS model with
, instead of
of the reference model. The green and magenta lines are σ0 − rcut curves with constant projected mass, within an aperture of R = 1″ ( = 5.34 kpc at z = 0.396), for a circular dPIE profile. The mass values from bottom to top are quoted in the legend. Green curves refer to
, magenta curves refer
(as in B19).
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