Fig. 13.

Inspection of system 14 at z = 3.221. A pair of nearly point-like clumps (14.1 and 14.2) is imaged six times by the cluster mass distribution, around two cluster galaxies (Gal − 8971 and Gal − 8980, with F160W magnitudes 19.6 and 21.5, respectively). Green crosses, red ellipses, and blue lines have the same meaning as Fig. 12. The three gray-scale cut-outs on the left are median stack images of F814W, F606W, and F435W HST filters. Right panels: absolute magnification (|μ|) maps computed at z = 3.221. The lens model predicts a fifth (e) and a sixth (f) image (middle and bottom panels, see also Fig. 2).
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