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Fig. 11.


Difference between the observed and model-predicted separations and orientations of each pair of clumps (or knots) identified within eight systems of multiple images (see Fig. 2). Each dot corresponds to a different pair of clumps, colored according to the parent system. We define () as the measured (predicted) distance between the ith and jth clump belonging to the same resolved lensed image (e.g., i = 12.1c, j = 12.5c in the top left panel of Fig. 12). We plot the absolute difference along the radial axis on the right side, while the angle (Δϕij) between and vectors (measured counterclockwise) is plotted across the angular coordinate. On the left side of the diagram, we draw a binned distribution of all the data-points. The 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of the distributions along the radial and angular directions are shown as red semi-circles and sectors respectively.

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