Open Access

Table 1.

Final list of galaxy-scale strong lens candidates with lens LRGs from our systematic search in Pan-STARRS.

Name RA Dec pCNN Grade gKron rKron iKron gaper raper iaper Redshift Notes
PS1J2226+0041 22:26:09 +00:41:42 0.990 3.00 ... 20.59 19.37 23.34 21.9 20.63 0.6471( * ) (a), (b), (c)
PS1J1821+7130 18:21:40 +71:30:10 1.000 3.00 18.66 17.61 17.19 20.12 19.04 18.62 ...
PS1J1647+1117 16:47:04 +11:17:49 0.951 3.00 19.47 18.56 18.00 20.98 19.92 19.32 ...
PS1J1559+3147 15:59:23 +31:47:12 1.000 3.00 18.19 17.18 16.58 19.77 18.74 18.15 0.1489( * )
PS1J1508−1652 15:08:10 −16:52:38 1.000 3.00 ... 18.95 18.39 22.42 20.65 19.88 ...
PS1J1421−0536 14:21:28 −05:36:51 1.000 3.00 19.57 18.59 17.97 21.22 19.99 19.29 ...
PS1J1415+1112 14:15:31 +11:12:08 0.993 3.00 19.54 18.30 17.65 21.05 19.81 19.16 0.3155( * )
PS1J1322−0501 13:22:27 −05:01:34 0.995 3.00 ... 20.18 19.33 23.26 21.55 20.66 ...
PS1J1113+0104 11:13:57 +01:04:05 0.951 3.00 ... 20.77 19.49 23.21 21.81 20.70 0.6402( * )
PS1J0919+0336 09:19:05 +03:36:39 0.919 3.00 20.28 19.12 18.41 22.12 20.68 19.90 0.4440( * ) (c), (l)
PS1J0353−1706 03:53:46 −17:06:39 0.933 3.00 ... 20.35 19.50 23.47 21.72 20.63 ... (a)
PS1J0324−1020 03:24:49 −10:20:53 0.999 3.00 20.72 19.83 18.93 22.48 21.20 20.22 ...
PS1J0211−1938 02:11:01 −19:38:10 0.944 3.00 20.42 19.29 18.80 22.05 20.66 19.97 ...
PS1J0141−1713 01:41:06 −17:13:24 1.000 3.00 ... 20.08 19.19 23.30 21.54 20.62 0.56 (a), (d)
PS1J2348+0148 23:48:45 +01:48:35 0.989 2.75 22.00 20.72 19.32 23.12 21.64 20.43 0.5902( * )
PS1J2336−0207 23:36:10 −02:07:35 1.000 2.75 20.43 19.52 18.91 21.92 20.80 20.06 0.4942( * )
PS1J2248−0103 22:48:01 −01:03:00 1.000 2.75 19.44 18.15 17.56 20.92 19.62 18.95 0.2772( * ) (e)
PS1J2247+1801 22:47:20 +18:01:21 1.000 2.75 19.97 18.53 17.96 21.59 20.16 19.57 0.3427( * )
PS1J2233+3012 22:33:34 +30:12:23 0.998 2.75 19.93 18.31 17.68 21.64 20.06 19.41 0.3605( * )
PS1J2202+0614 22:02:52 +06:14:50 1.000 2.75 18.52 17.40 16.83 19.87 18.78 18.22 0.17
PS1J2200−1024 22:00:47 −10:24:27 0.997 2.75 20.82 19.07 18.34 22.02 20.15 19.45 ...
PS1J1926−2138 19:26:18 −21:38:20 1.000 2.75 16.48 15.90 15.65 17.80 16.98 16.69 ...
PS1J1749+2330 17:49:12 +23:30:36 0.992 2.75 ... 18.65 17.86 22.06 20.37 19.76 ...
PS1J1655+0406 16:55:09 +04:06:13 1.000 2.75 18.30 17.77 17.32 20.03 19.33 18.86 ...
PS1J1644+1121 16:44:08 +11:21:30 0.998 2.75 17.85 17.28 16.87 20.03 19.17 18.60 0.14
PS1J1555+4151 15:55:18 +41:51:39 1.000 2.75 20.96 19.93 19.02 22.25 21.32 20.35 0.5553( * ) (c)
PS1J1553−0142 15:53:38 −01:42:34 0.995 2.75 21.26 19.87 18.80 22.90 21.30 20.32 0.40
PS1J1445+3649 14:45:54 +36:49:49 0.960 2.75 19.85 18.33 17.66 21.06 19.52 18.89 0.3551( * )
PS1J1439+0721 14:39:37 +07:21:01 0.913 2.75 20.80 19.48 18.65 22.25 20.63 19.79 0.4795( * )
PS1J1422+4246 14:22:41 +42:46:08 0.983 2.75 21.43 20.46 19.63 22.89 21.86 20.82 0.6047( * ) (e)
PS1J1411+2313 14:11:05 +23:13:57 0.955 2.75 19.80 18.19 17.58 21.29 19.74 18.93 0.3508( * )
PS1J1349+0537 13:49:15 +05:37:51 0.995 2.75 20.78 19.57 18.64 22.33 20.75 19.80 0.5055( * )
PS1J1241+2721 12:41:37 +27:21:25 1.000 2.75 20.70 20.15 19.64 22.10 21.40 20.59 0.50
PS1J1206+2336 12:06:51 +23:36:02 1.000 2.75 19.95 18.92 18.46 21.57 20.11 19.62 0.25
PS1J1111+4329 11:11:55 +43:29:11 1.000 2.75 ... 20.01 19.31 23.21 21.75 20.57 0.6370( * )
PS1J0921+0214 09:21:37 +02:14:09 0.979 2.75 19.57 18.21 17.71 21.41 20.09 19.42 0.3191( * ) (f), (l)
PS1J0907+4233 09:07:28 +42:33:02 1.000 2.75 19.67 18.75 18.05 21.32 20.40 19.51 0.4950( * )
PS1J0737+1914 07:37:10 +19:14:36 0.989 2.75 20.03 18.90 18.31 21.69 20.25 19.54 0.3528( * )
PS1J0717+4624 07:17:41 +46:24:31 1.000 2.75 19.61 18.02 ... 21.18 19.65 19.12 ...
PS1J0520−2008 05:20:03 −20:08:04 0.929 2.75 19.19 18.78 18.44 20.57 20.13 19.85 ...

Notes. These systems were selected as high confidence candidates with CNN scores > 0.9, and average grades ≥2.0 from visual inspection. Columns are: source name; right ascension; declination; output score from the CNN; average of the visual grades from four authors; g-, r-, and i-band Kron magnitudes of the lens and source blends from the PS1 catalog; g-, r-, and i-band aperture magnitudes of 1.04″ radii covering the lens central regions; SDSS photometric redshifts or spectroscopic redshifts marked as ( * ) where available; previously published confirmed or candidate systems (grades A and B or equivalent). The complete table is available at the CDS.

References. (a) Jacobs et al. (2019a), (b) Diehl et al. (2017), (c) Sonnenfeld et al. (2018), (d) Huang et al. (2020a), (e) Wong et al. (2018), (f) Petrillo et al. (2019), (g) Stark et al. (2013), (h) Auger et al. (2009), (i) Jacobs et al. (2019b), (j) Lemon et al. (2019), (k) Wang et al. (2017), (l) Jaelani et al. (2020), and (m) Schirmer et al. (2010).

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