Fig. 2.
Aperture magnitudes and colors of galaxies in the lens LRG catalog (red regions) and in the set of 90 000 mock lens systems (blue regions). The red and blue dots show the median of distributions. Left: (g − i) vs. i diagram for the R3 aperture, a circular aperture of 1.04″ radius. Right: difference in (g − i) color between the inner R3 aperture and concentric annuli between R3 and R4 (1.76″ outer radius), and between R4 and R5 (3.00″ outer radius). Gray regions mark the position of 100 000 random sources with reliable gri aperture photometry selected from the PS1 DR2 catalogs. Orange regions show galaxies with pcat > 0.5 on the catalog-level network, which match the colors and magnitudes of mocks lens systems. Solid and dashed lines show the 0.5, 1, and 2σ contours.
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