Open Access

Table 2.

Parameters of lines used for abundance calculation.

λ Elow log gf
[Å] [eV]
3488.68 1.85 –0.937
3496.81 1.83 –1.779
3497.53 1.85 –1.418
4030.76 0.00 –0.497
4033.07 0.00 –0.647
4034.49 0.00 –0.843
4055.54 2.14 –0.077
4070.28 2.19 –1.039
4451.58 2.89 0.278
5394.67 0.00 –3.503
5407.42 2.13 –1.743
5420.35 2.13 –1.462
5432.54 0.00 –3.795
6013.49 3.06 –0.251
6016.64 3.06 –0.216
6021.79 3.06 0.034

Notes. The atomic data are taken from Paper I.

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