Open Access

Table A.4

HFS information on the barium 6496 Å line.

λ (Å) Isotope Relative strength
6496.8979 137 0.0311
6496.8989 135 0.0311
6496.9014 137 0.1562
6496.9019 135 0.1562
6496.9062 137 0.4376
6496.9067 135 0.4376
6496.9102 134 1.0000
6496.9102 136 1.0000
6496.9102 138 1.0000
6496.9160 135 0.0626
6496.9165 137 0.0626
6496.9175 135 0.1562
6496.9185 137 0.1562
6496.9204 135 0.1562
6496.9219 137 0.1562

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