Open Access

Table A.3

HFS information on the barium 6141 Å line.

λ (Å) Isotope Relative strength
6141.7183 137 0.0041
6141.7202 137 0.0585
6141.7222 137 0.0064
6141.7231 135 0.0041
6141.7231 137 0.3750
6141.7231 137 0.0727
6141.7246 135 0.0585
6141.7251 137 0.2332
6141.7251 137 0.0562
6141.7266 137 0.1312
6141.7266 137 0.0626
6141.7261 135 0.0064
6141.7271 138 1.0000
6141.7271 135 0.3750
6141.7271 135 0.0727
6141.7280 136 1.0000
6141.7290 135 0.2332
6141.7290 135 0.0562
6141.7295 134 1.0000
6141.7300 135 0.1312
6141.7305 135 0.0626

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