Table 1.
In five out of the ten samples with rhm = 1 pc, six massive BBHs formed within 10 Myr because they sank to the center of the cluster (≲10−3 pc).
m• (M⊙) | aBBH(10−3 pc) |
{108, 45} | 0.1 |
{82, 64} | 1.6 |
{73, 51} | 0.8 |
{90, 63} | 0.1 |
{78, 75} | 0.9 |
{84, 68} | 1.6 |
Notes. We assumed a population of N• = 500 BHs, with different initial conditions in each sample, immersed inside the core of the same gaseous primordial cluster. The left column denotes the masses of each BBH member, and the right column lists the semi-major axis of each BBH.
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