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Table 1.

Summary of criteria used for selecting wavelength samplings.

Criterion Core Wing Sampling RMSE
resolution resolution representation
A δλ δλ Fig. 1, first column Fig. 4, blue line
B δλ 2 points, Δλ ≈ ±0.9 Å Fig. 1, second column Fig. 4, black line
C δλ 2δλ Fig. 1, third column Fig. 4, red line
D δλ = 80 mÅ Variable Fig. 1, fourth column Fig. 5

Notes. Each row (A, B, C, D) corresponds to a set of wavelength samplings constructed following a different criterion. The second column indicates the spectral resolution in the core of the line, the third column is the spectral resolution at the wings, the fourth column points to the figure and panels where the samplings are illustrated, and the last column indicates the figure where the measured RMSE are plotted. Twelve wavelength samplings with different values of the spectral resolution in the core (δλ = 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 mÅ) are analyzed for criteria A, B, and C. In the case of criterion D, all the 17 wavelength samplings use the same spectral resolution at the core δλ = 80 mÅ. They differ in the wavelength region sampled around the core, the resolution at the wings, and the maximum wavelength included.

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