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Fig. 4.


Schematized selection of the detector pixels corresponding to the centers of the first two quadrants A and B. Information is priorly obtained that (xA,  yA)=(37.57,  41.84) and (xB,  yB)=(120.33,  41.42) for this example. Panel a: idealized [0, 0] central pixel for quadrant A (red) and nearest detector pixel (black) chosen as [0,  0] reference. Panel b: at the center of quadrant B; red: idealized [0, 0] pixel for quadrant B; black: subaperture footprint of the [0, 0] pixel chosen for quadrant A; blue and green: possible pixel choices for [0, 0] of B: pixel “1” (blue) minimizes absolute misalignment (|δB|,|ϵB|), whereas pixel “2” (green) minimizes the differential misalignment (|δB − δA|,|ϵB − ϵA|). Solid grid on panels a and b: detector pixel boundaries.

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