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Table A.3

HARPS-N RV measurements of GJ 9827.

RV ± σ BIS FWHM Ca II S index ± σ Texp SNb
−2450000 (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (s)
7963.592670 31.9498 0.0014 0.0478 6.1011 0.700 0.010 1800 69.3
7965.613121 31.9496 0.0012 0.0456 6.1111 0.714 0.008 1800 77.9
7965.691320 31.9531 0.0012 0.0447 6.1120 0.746 0.008 1800 75.8
7969.601771 31.9534 0.0017 0.0519 6.1198 0.734 0.013 1800 60.1
7969.717068 31.9506 0.0015 0.0520 6.1219 0.745 0.012 1800 64.9
8013.489857 31.9482 0.0011 0.0468 6.1196 0.757 0.007 1800 89.5
8013.557982 31.9451 0.0011 0.0453 6.1249 0.769 0.007 1800 90.8
8013.625748 31.9471 0.0011 0.0472 6.1201 0.757 0.007 1800 86.4
8013.647090 31.9493 0.0011 0.0530 6.1196 0.763 0.008 1800 85.4
8014.442513 31.9496 0.0015 0.0542 6.1242 0.730 0.012 2100 66.4
8014.512015 31.9468 0.0013 0.0533 6.1216 0.751 0.010 2100 73.8
8014.580950 31.9485 0.0014 0.0568 6.1239 0.751 0.010 1800 71.4
8018.501731 31.9452 0.0010 0.0443 6.0925 0.724 0.006 2040 94.6
8046.439625 31.9412 0.0013 0.0548 6.1174 0.739 0.009 1800 77.6
8046.545336 31.9459 0.0017 0.0543 6.1219 0.734 0.014 1800 58.0
8077.340285 31.9476 0.0030 0.0530 6.1185 0.697 0.029 2700 37.6
8077.375884 31.9431 0.0024 0.0494 6.1197 0.718 0.022 2700 44.6
8077.407513 31.9467 0.0023 0.0441 6.1181 0.781 0.021 2700 46.6
8077.434918 31.9452 0.0024 0.0566 6.1198 0.718 0.022 1800 44.1
8080.332102 31.9511 0.0011 0.0497 6.1127 0.728 0.007 1800 86.2
8080.436108 31.9536 0.0014 0.0466 6.1215 0.735 0.010 1800 73.2
8097.334407 31.9515 0.0017 0.0488 6.1249 0.741 0.013 2700 60.0
8097.368593 31.9536 0.0035 0.0342 6.1281 0.757 0.037 2700 33.1

Notes. (a) Barycentric Julian dates are given in barycentric dynamical time. (b)S/N per pixel at 550 nm.

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