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Table A.2

HARPS RV measurements of GJ 9827.

RV ± σ BIS FWHM Ca II S index ± σ Texp SNb
−2450000 (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (s)
7984.653428 31.9468 0.0013 0.0603 6.1447 0.679 0.010 2000 79.9
7984.773491 31.9481 0.0016 0.0611 6.1409 0.662 0.016 1800 64.8
7984.843042 31.9467 0.0018 0.0586 6.1466 0.630 0.021 3600 60.3
7985.707754 31.9478 0.0013 0.0640 6.1360 0.686 0.010 2100 80.4
7985.755927 31.9433 0.0016 0.0573 6.1309 0.663 0.015 1800 64.5
7985.841000 31.9452 0.0020 0.0587 6.1439 0.648 0.022 2100 53.5
7986.658347 31.9461 0.0014 0.0610 6.1352 0.678 0.012 1800 72.1
7986.801790 31.9420 0.0014 0.0554 6.1452 0.664 0.013 1800 74.3
7986.849488 31.9449 0.0017 0.0563 6.1281 0.619 0.021 1800 63.4
7987.662343 31.9510 0.0011 0.0618 6.1353 0.648 0.008 1800 93.3
7987.684473 31.9493 0.0011 0.0645 6.1358 0.664 0.009 1800 92.3
7987.757127 31.9467 0.0012 0.0579 6.1264 0.672 0.011 1800 85.6
7987.828958 31.9453 0.0011 0.0610 6.1260 0.655 0.011 1800 96.5
7988.696038 31.9524 0.0023 0.0625 6.1212 0.627 0.023 3195 47.3
7990.635247 31.9419 0.0018 0.0656 6.1236 0.645 0.017 2400 57.4
7990.767034 31.9426 0.0014 0.0596 6.1219 0.644 0.011 3000 73.1
7990.827638 31.9410 0.0016 0.0552 6.1246 0.647 0.014 2400 66.1
7990.857303 31.9418 0.0017 0.0627 6.1268 0.673 0.017 2700 62.0
7991.656726 31.9432 0.0013 0.0592 6.1320 0.659 0.010 3600 79.9
7991.739703 31.9447 0.0014 0.0592 6.1241 0.657 0.012 2700 72.1
7991.835898 31.9416 0.0014 0.0596 6.1304 0.647 0.014 2400 75.6
7992.643561 31.9505 0.0010 0.0553 6.1341 0.672 0.007 2400 99.8
7992.719675 31.9521 0.0011 0.0616 6.1386 0.670 0.010 1800 88.8
7992.799249 31.9465 0.0012 0.0579 6.1282 0.675 0.011 2400 86.5
7992.854748 31.9464 0.0012 0.0530 6.1378 0.664 0.012 2700 86.1
8045.592706 31.9483 0.0014 0.0632 6.1568 0.775 0.012 1800 71.0
8045.692654 31.9448 0.0012 0.0612 6.1462 0.726 0.011 1800 83.8
8046.562014 31.9447 0.0013 0.0600 6.1435 0.740 0.010 1800 77.6
8046.701114 31.9468 0.0014 0.0605 6.1457 0.732 0.013 1800 71.7
8047.561029 31.9425 0.0014 0.0643 6.1378 0.732 0.011 1800 73.5
8047.698613 31.9449 0.0012 0.0638 6.1463 0.714 0.011 1800 88.0
8048.567242 31.9444 0.0012 0.0588 6.1297 0.706 0.009 1800 81.4
8048.723818 31.9451 0.0017 0.0626 6.1338 0.706 0.018 1800 63.9
8050.552974 31.9495 0.0011 0.0630 6.1299 0.683 0.008 1800 92.3
8050.636777 31.9484 0.0011 0.0614 6.1314 0.681 0.009 1800 93.7

Notes. (a) Barycentric Julian dates are given in barycentric dynamical time. (b)S/N per pixel at 550 nm.

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