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Table A.1

FIES RV measurements of GJ 9827

RV ± σ BIS FWHM Ca II S index ± σ Texp SNb
−2450000 (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (s)
7954.617085 31.7746 0.0033 2700 55.2
7955.612895 31.7724 0.0032 2700 56.0
7956.627456 31.7751 0.0025 2700 68.5
7964.582846 31.7796 0.0028 2700 66.4
7965.593839 31.7739 0.0032 2700 53.6
7966.573354 31.7728 0.0033 2700 57.8
7966.707233 31.7735 0.0035 2700 52.7

Notes. (a) Barycentric Julian dates are given in barycentric dynamical time. (b)S/N per pixel at 550 nm.

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