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Table 5

Summary of the system parameters of GJ 9827 determined in Sect. 5 with both methods: Pyaneti and Gaussian Process.

Parameter GJ 9827 b GJ 9827 c GJ 9827 d Sinusoidal signal
Model Parameters: Pyaneti
Orbital period Porb (days)
Transit epoch T0 (BJDTDB−2 450 000)
Scaled planet radius RpR
Impact parameter, b
0 0 0
0 0 0
Doppler semi-amplitude variation K (m s−1) 3.00 ± 0.35 0.82 ± 0.32 1.11 ± 0.32 3.15 ± 0.44
Stellar density parametrization (g1∕3 cm−1)
Systemic velocity γFIES (km s−1)
Systemic velocity γHARPS (km s−1)
Systemic velocity γHARPS-N (km s−1)
jitter σFIES (m s−1)
jitter σHARPS (m s−1)
jitter σHARPS-N (m s−1)
Parameterized limb-darkening coefficient
Parameterized limb-darkening coefficient

Derived Parameters: Pyaneti
Planet mass Mp (M)
Planet radius Rp (R)
Planet density ρp (g cm−3)
Surface gravity gp (cm s−2)
Surface gravityc gp (cm s−2)
Scaled semi-major axis aR
Semi-major axis a (AU)
Orbit inclination ip (°)
Transit duration τ14 (h)
Equilibrium temperatured Teq (K)
Insolation F (F)
Stellar density (from light curve)
Linear limb-darkening coefficient u1
Quadratic limb-darkening coefficient u2

Model Parameters: Gaussian Process
Doppler semi-amplitude variation K (m s−1) 3.41 ± 0.53 <1.10 1.06 ± 0.52

Notes. We adopt the former values for the discussion section. (a)Fixed to zero. (b) q1 and q2 as defined by Kipping (2013). (c) Calculated from the scaled parameters as described by Winn (2010). (d)Assuming albedo = 0.

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