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Table 1

Equatorial coordinates, optical and near-infrared magnitude, and stellar parameters of GJ 9827.

GJ 9827
RAa (J2000.0) 23:27:04.83647
Deca (J2000.0) −01:17:10.5816
Distancea (pc) 29.6864 ± 0.1033
V -band magnitudeb (mag) 10.35 ± 0.10
J-band magnitudec (mag) 7.984 ± 0.020
Spectral typed K6 V
Effective temperaturee Teff (K) 4219 ± 70
Surface gravitye log g (cgs) 4.657 ± 0.042
Iron abundancee [Fe/H] (dex) − 0.29 ± 0.12
Masse M (M) 0.637 ± 0.051
Radiuse R (R) 0.622 ± 0.051
Projected rot. velocitye v sin i (km s−1) 1.5 ± 1.0
Microturbulent velocityf vmic (km s−1) 0.9 (fixed)
Macroturbulent velocityg vmac (km s−1) 0.5 (fixed)
Interstellar reddening Av (mag)e 0.04 ± 0.08

Notes. (a) Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018). The quoted uncertainty takes into account possible Gaia systematics following Luri et al. (2018). (b) (Mumford 1956). (c) 2MASS (Skrutskie et al. 2006). (d)Houdebine et al. (2017). (e)This work. (f) Bruntt et al. (2010). (g)Gray (2008).

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