Fig. 2

Panel a: interstellar neutral flow in the ecliptic plane. Four sample trajectories are shown and four locations are marked by colored dots: green corresponds to the crescent (λ ≈ 255°), dark red corresponds to the focusing cone (λ ≈ 75°), and the orange and purple points correspond to ecliptic longitudes in between (λ ≈ 165° and λ ≈ 345°). Panel b: Radial speed of the interstellar neutrals as a function of ecliptic longitude calculated from Eq. (5) with λflow = 75° and vISN∞ = 0.88. The colored dots correspond to the ecliptic longitudes introduced in panel a. Panel c: 2D velocity space illustrations in the vx -vy plane for the PUI injection (Fig. 1). The velocity of the neutrals at each ecliptic longitude is shown as a colored vector. The bold circle illustrates the shell with radius vsw , while the dashed circle depicts the shell on which the PUI torus lies that results from the non-zero radial speed of the parent neutral. For illustration purposes, the IMF orientation is chosen to lie within the ecliptic plane. The colored dashed lines illustrate the orientation of the torus VDF, the colored dots mark the points where the torus intersects with the vx -vy plane. Left: PUI injection in the crescent at an IMF orientation corresponding to ΦGC ≈ −15°. Middle: PUI injection between the crescent and focusing cone at an IMF orientation corresponding to ΦGC ≈ 0°. Right: PUI injection in the focusing cone at an IMF orientation corresponding to ΦGC ≈ +15°.
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