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Table 5

Combined radial-velocity curve and light-curve solution with PHOEBE.

Element Orbital properties

Psider. [d] 6.321843 fixed
e 0.287 fixed
ω [degrees] 347.425 ± 0.048
Tperiast [RJD] 45 249.14797
Tsup.c. [RJD] 45 250.36603 ± 0.00018
Tinf.c. [RJD] 45 248.31966
M2/M1 0.7061 ± 0024
i [degrees] 84.423 ± 0.017
a [R] 39.358 ± 0.094

Component properties
primary secondary

Teff  [K] 27 141 fixed 25 376 ± 18
F * 2.418 2.805
Potential 5.9160 ±0.0053 8.326 ±0.024
L y 0.8319 ±0.0005 0.1681 ±0.0005
L b 0.8350 ±0.0005 0.1650 ±0.0005
L v 0.8374 ±0.0005 0.1626 ±0.0005
L u 0.8364 ±0.0005 0.1636 ±0.0005

log g [cgs] 3.684 4.137
M [M] 12.00 ±0.07 8.47 ±0.10
R [R] 8.248 ±0.014 4.118 ±0.015
M bol −6.565 −4.764
Synchr.**Vrotsini [km s-1] 66.2 33.0
Observ. Vrotsini [km s-1] 160.0 92.7



The synchronicity parameter Fj = Porb/Prot,j (j = 1,2) of both components was kept fixed during each iteration, but it was recalculated for new radius and inclination after each iteration, using Vrotsini values of 160 km s-1, and 93 km s-1 for the primary and secondary, respectively.


These velocities are the pseudosynchronization velocities (Hut 1981) calculated as ri.(K1 + K2) × coeff. according to Hut (1981). The optimized parameters are given with only their formal errors derived from the covariance matrix.

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