Table 5
Compton-thick estimates obtained by fitting the whole NH distribution.
XLF | CTKR | Templates | SFa | Fluxb | f CTK | |
U14 | 24 ÷ 25 | BAT NH | 1.3 | < 25% | 0.99 | |
U14 | 24 ÷ 25 | BAT R11 | 1.3 | < 22% | 1.10 | |
U14 | 24 ÷ 26 | BAT NH | 1.3 | < 36% | 0.99 | |
U03 | 24 ÷ 25 | BAT NH | 1 | < 12% | 1.17 |
Notes. The datasets used for the fit are ROSAT, Swift/XRT, Swift/BAT, and INTEGRAL. We tested different combination of XLFs, log (NH) range of the CTK AGN, and templates (based on spectra stacked according to NH or R11 definition. We report the scaling factor found, Flux of the CTK component, CTK fraction and .
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