Planck 2013 results
Free Access

Table 7

Mean and rms variation across the sky of FWHM, ellipticity, orientation, and solid angle of the FEBeCop effective beams computed with the GRASP beam fitted scanning beams.

Frequency FWHM [arcmin] e ψ [deg] Ω [arcmin2] FWHMeff

70 .......... 13.252 ± 0.033 1.223 ± 0.026 0.587 ± 55.066 200.742 ± 1.027 13.31
44 .......... 27.005 ± 0.552 1.034 ± 0.033 0.059 ± 53.767 832.946 ± 31.774 27.12
30 .......... 32.239 ± 0.013 1.320 ± 0.031 −0.304 ± 55.349 1189.513 ± 0.842 32.24

Notes. FWHMeff is the effective FWHM estimated from the main beam solid angle of the effective beam, Ωeff = mean(Ω).

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