Planck 2013 results
Free Access

Table 5

Focal plane geometry.

Radiometer θ uv a φ uv a θ uv b φ uv b ψ uv c ψ pol c

LFI-18S ....... 3.334 131.803 3.335 131.752 22.2 0.0
LFI-18M ....... 3.333 131.812 3.335 131.759 22.2 90.2
LFI-19S ....... 3.208 150.472 3.209 150.408 22.4 0.0
LFI-19M ....... 3.208 150.467 3.209 150.402 22.4 90.0
LFI-20S ....... 3.183 168.189 3.183 168.121 22.4 0.0
LFI-20M ....... 3.183 168.178 3.183 168.109 22.4 89.9
LFI-21S ....... 3.184 169.265 3.182 169.324 22.4 0.0
LFI-21M ....... 3.184 169.274 3.183 169.336 22.4 90.1
LFI-22S ....... 3.172 151.352 3.170 151.405 22.4 0.1
LFI-22M ....... 3.172 151.345 3.170 151.398 22.4 90.1
LFI-23S ....... 3.280 132.255 3.277 132.287 22.1 0.0
LFI-23M ....... 3.280 132.234 3.277 132.274 22.1 89.7
LFI-24S ....... 4.070 179.506 4.069 179.449 0.0 0.0
LFI-24M ....... 4.070 179.538 4.071 179.488 0.0 90.0
LFI-25S ....... 4.984 61.105 4.981 61.084 113.2 0.0
LFI-25M ....... 4.985 61.065 4.981 61.051 113.2 89.5
LFI-26S ....... 5.037 61.662 5.040 61.669 113.2 0.0
LFI-26M ....... 5.037 61.649 5.040 61.676 113.2 90.5
LFI-27S ....... 4.343 153.958 4.343 154.033 22.3 0.0
LFI-27M ....... 4.345 153.981 4.341 154.010 22.3 89.7
LFI-28S ....... 4.374 153.413 4.376 153.369 22.3 0.0
LFI-28M ....... 4.374 153.419 4.376 153.371 22.3 90.3



Beam pointing reconstructed using the first two Jupiter transits (J1 and J2).


Beam pointing reconstructed using the last two Jupiter transits (J3 and J4).


Polarization orientation of the beam measured during ground test.

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