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Table 1

Average parameters of emission lines components derived from multi-Gaussian fit.

Comp.a Flux V offset FWHM Src.b
(10-17erg s-1 cm-2) (km s-1) (km s-1)


BASE 242 ± 22 80 ± 10 720 ± 40 (1)
BC 2304 ± 68 70 ± 20 3540 ± 60 (1)
VBC 2263 ± 143 1960 ± 150 13 350 ± 320 (1)

[O III] λ5007

NC 176 ± 26 10 ± 10 270 ± 10 (2)
BASE 675 ± 43 30 ± 10 750 ± 20 (2)

[O III] λ4959

NC 66 ± 19 10 ± 10 300 ± 60 (2)
BASE 182 ± 31 60 ± 30 710 ± 70 (2)


BASE 61 ± 13 40 ± 40 710 ± 130 (3)
BC 638 ± 44 50 ± 80 3110 ± 200 (3)
VBC 853 ± 83 630 ± 180 9700 ± 650 (3)

[O III] λ4363

BASE 115 ± 16 50 ± 20 720 ± 80 (3)



NC: narrow component, BASE: a broader line base underlying NC in [O III], BC: broad component, VBC: very broad component.


Weighted averages from spectra: (1) LAMOST, APO, Marziani et al. (2003), Grupe et al. (2004); (2): the same plus Eracleous & Halpern (1994); (3) LAMOST and SDSS.

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