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Table 3

Total galaxy SFR, SFR surface density ΣSFR and gas extinction AV at the SN location derived from our observations.

SN Host galaxy total SFR [M yr-1] ΣSFR at SN position AV at SN position

Hαa STARLIGHTa Neill et al.b [M yr-1 kpc-2] [mag]

 <50 Myr  <0.5 Gyr

1999dq NGC 0976 5.30 (0.06) 6.8 16.0 10.4 (2.5,36.6) 8.9(1.2) ×  10-2 0.97 (0.18)
2001fe UGC 5129 0.76 (0.02) 1.0 3.6 3.2 (0.6,10.4) 1.5(0.4) ×  10-2 0.79 (0.35)
2006te CGCG 207-042 2.03 (0.05) 1.6 5.2 2.9 (1.3,6.9) 8.3(2.2) ×  10-3 0.74 (0.33)
2007A NGC 105 NED02 3.42 (0.04) 5.3 9.0 11.6 (2.4,27.5) 2.6(0.4) ×  10-2 0.52 (0.22)
1997cw NGC 105 NED02 3.42 (0.04) 5.3 9.0 11.6 (2.4,27.5) 1.6(0.3) ×  10-2 0.06 (0.22)
2007R UGC 4008 NED01 5.33 (0.12) 5.8 24.1 3.6 (2.1,205.6) 3.2(0.8) ×  10-2 1.17 (0.32)



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from Neill et al. (2009). The errors are asymmetric and the values in the parentheses are the ∓ 1σ uncertainties.

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