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Table 8

Inner radius of disk CO emissiona.

Target FWHM a v inner b Rin(sini)2c Incl.d
km s-1 km s-1 (AU) °

Broad Emission
IRS 63 92 70 0.17 33
HH 100 IRS 80 61 0.23 28
IRS 43 S 146 111 0.070 58
CrA IRS 2 54 41 0.49 19
WL 12 98 74 0.16 34
HL Tau 130 99 0.088 49
TMC 1A 96 73 0.16 34
SVS 20 N 100 76 0.15 35
RNO 91 165 125 0.056 71

Narrow Emissione
GSS 30 42 32 0.87
HH 100 IRS 11 8.4 13
Elias 29 18 13 5.3
IRS 63 28 21 2.0
CrA IRS 2 34 26 1.3
IRS 44 W 32 24 1.5
IRS 43 S 42 32 0.87
L1551 IRS 5 12 11 7.3



CO v = 2−1 emission;


half-width at 20% the peak of a Gaussian with listed FWHM;


assumes M ∗  = M;


inclination if the inner radius of CO emission is 0.050 AU;


narrow component may not be in Keplerian rotation.

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