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Table 5

Average CO emission line propertiesa.

Target Lines vCOb (km s-1) FWHM (km s-1)
Broad Component

HH 100 IRSc v = 2−1 3.2 (3.0) 80 (18)
HH 100 IRSc v = 1−0 (3.2) 92 (26)
RNO 91 v = 1−0 –15.5 (4) 150 (40)
RNO 91 v = 2−1 –8 (4) 165 (40)
IRS 43 S v = 1−0 0.7 (2) 120 (20)
IRS 43 S v = 2−1 13 (4) 146 (25)
IRS 63 v = 2−1 1.0 (1.0) 92 (16)
IRS 63 v = 1−0 (1)d 118 (30)
WL 12h v = 2−1 6.4 (2) 98 (30)
HL Tau v = 2−1 10 (3) 130 (40)
HL Tau v = 1−0 –8.7 (1.0) 90 (15)
CrA IRS 2 v = 2−1 –0.2 (0.6) 54 (4)
TMC 1A v = 2−1 2.0 (2) 96 (20)
TMC 1A v = 1−0 (2)d (96)d
SVS 20 N v = 2−1 3.5 (2) 100 (30)
SVS 20 N v = 1−0 (3.5)d 115 (40)

Narrow Component
HH 100 IRSc 13CO 0.6 (0.4) 11 (3)
HH 100 IRSc v = 1−0 1.3 (0.4) 15 (1.5)
Elias 29 13CO 2.4 (1.5) 18 (7)
Elias 29e v = 1−0 (3.0)d 19 (3)
IRS 63e v = 1−0 3 (10) 28 (13)
HL Tau 13CO –15 (6) 42(14)
SVS 20 N v = 1−0 –8.8 (1) 28 (5)
CrA IRS 2f 13CO 0.0 (0.4) 34 (4)
CrA IRS 2f v = 1−0 0.5 (0.3) 16 (3)
SVS 20 S v = 1−0 –8.0 (1.0) 37 (7)
SVS 20 S 13CO (–8.0)d 47 (23)
IRS 44 W 13CO 15.4 (0.4) 14 (1)
IRS 44 W C18O (15.4)d 8 (2)
IRS 44 W 12CO –1.0 (1.0) 32 (4)
L1551 IRS 5 13CO 0.8 (0.7) 12 (2)
L1551 IRS 5 12CO (0.8)d 17 (2)
L1551 IRS 5 v = 2−1 (0.8)d 13(2)
GSS 30h v = 2−1 –5.8 (2.0) 42 (10)
GSS 30 v = 2−1 –19.2 (0.5) 10 (2)
GSS 30h 12CO, J > 30 –10 (1) 36 (3)
GSS 30 SW 12CO –9.1 (1.0) 6.3 (1.0)
GSS 30 NE 12CO –8.6 (1.0) 6.5 (1.0)
IRS 43 Sh v = 1−0 –4 (1) 42 (7)



Based on Gaussian profiles fit to coadded lines;


relative to velocity of 13CO and C18O absorption;


from spectrum obtained in August 2008;


forced value from same component in v = 2−1 or 13CO transition;


fit only to red emission;


fit is not good because line is not Gaussian;


March 2010;


tentative classification as narrow component.

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