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Table 3

Observation Log.

Target Alt. Names RAa Deca UT Date texp (s) Airmass FWHM b vbary (km s-1) λ settings S/Nd

IRS 43 YLW 15 16:27:27 –24:40:51 2008-08-06 960l 1.06 0.32 –17 4716, 4730, 4868 40
IRS 43 YLW 15 16:27:27 –24:40:51 2008-08-07 1200 1.02 0.25 –17 4831 40
IRS 44d YLW 16a 16:27:28 –24:39:34 2008-04-27 720 1.41 0.56 27 4716 15
IRS 44 YLW 16a 16:27:28 –24:39:34 2008-04-30 720m 1.26 0.54 25 4730, 4833 10
IRS 44e YLW 16a 16:27:28 –24:39:34 2008-05-01 1200 1.61 0.86 25 4946 9
IRS 44e YLW 16a 16:27:28 –24:39:34 2008-08-06 1200 1.31 0.33 –17 4868 20
IRS 44e YLW 16a 16:27:28 –24:39:34 2008-08-07 960 1.38 0.32 –17 4716, 4730 30
IRS 63 GWAYL 4 16:31:36 –24:01:29 2007-04-26 600 1.02 0.37 28 4716, 4730, 4833, 4929 32
WL 12 YLW 2 16:26:44 –24:34:48 2007-09-02 960 1.22 0.31 –20 4716, 4730 48
WL 12 YLW 2 16:26:44 –24:34:48 2007-09-04 960 1.25 0.31 –20 4833 45
WL 12 YLW 2 16:26:44 –24:34:48 2010-03-03 2280 1.05 0.31 40 4946 60
WL 6 YLW 14 16:27:22 –24:29:53 2007-04-27 480 1.20 0.29 27 4716, 4730, 4833 30
HH 100 IRS V710 CrA 19:01:51 –36:58:10 2007-09-03 600 1.27 0.43 –17 4716, 4730 170
HH 100 IRS V710 CrA 19:01:51 –36:58:10 2007-09-06 480 1.43 0.26 –18 4833 140
HH 100 IRS V710 CrA 19:01:51 –36:58:10 2008-08-03 480 1.11 0.44 –6 4710, 4730, 4868,4946 100
Elias 32 YLW 17A 16:27:28 –24:27:20 2008-05-03 1200 1.19 0.32 24 4716, 4730, 4833 10
Elias 32e YLW 17A 16:27:28 –24:27:20 2008-08-09 960 1.07 0.45 17 4716 3
Elias 32f YLW 17A 16:27:28 –24:27:20 2008-08-10 960 1.12 0.52 18 4730 7.5
Elias 29e WL 15 16:27:09 –24:37:19 2008-08-09 360 1.37 0.59 –17 4716, 4730, 4868 130
CrA IRS 2 CHLT 1 19:01:42 –36:58:32 2007-04-26 480 1.02 0.37 34 4716, 4730, 4833, 4929 110
RNO 91 HBC 650 16:34:29 –15:47:02 2007-04-24 600 1.05 0.28 30 4716, 4730, 4929, 4946 55
RNO 91 HBC 650 16:34:29 –15:47:02 2007-04-25 1200 1.10 0.26 30 4770, 4780 60
HL Taug HBC 49 04:31:38 18:13:58 2007-10-12 600n 1.61 0.24 10 4716, 4730, 4868 120
HL Tauj HBC 49 04:31:38 18:13:58 2010-02-19 1080 1.71 0.22 42 4716, 4730, 4800, 4820 150
SVS 20i [EC92] 90 18:29:58 01:14:06 2007-04-24 1200o 1.11 0.42 41 4716, 4730, 4929, 4946 60
TMC 1Aj IRAS 04365+2535 04:39:35 25:41:45 2010-02-10 1200p 1.67 0.54 –38 4716, 4730, 4946 30
GSS 30j Elias 21 16:26:21 –24:23:06 2010-03-04 600q 1.15 0.30 40 4716, 4730, 5115 58
L1551 IRS 5k HBC 393 04:31:34 18:08:05 2007-10-17 840 1.50 0.82 –4 4716, 4730 17



2MASS position (J2000) from (Skrutskie et al. 2006);


in arcsec, includes both the seeing and any real spatial extension in the continuum;


approximate S/N per pixel in a single setting, typically measured in regions with an average telluric absorption of 10−15%. Position angle of 0° except where noted:


PA = 70;


PA = 100;


PA = 340;


PA = −150;


PA = 45;


PA = 5;


PA = 160;


PA = 75. Listed position angle is approximate for cases where the slit was aligned with the parallactic angle. Exposure times same for all settings except where noted:


4868: 1440s;


4833: 960s;


4868: 960s;


4868: 4929/4946: 500;


4946: 1080;


5115: 1080s.

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Initial download of the metrics may take a while.