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Table E.3

Comparing ISAAC and CRIRES equivalent widthsa.

Star Seeing P(6) H2 S(9)

HH 100 IRS 0.44 0.41 9b 14b
WL 12 0.31 0.43 16 10.9
WL 6 0.29 0.88 6.9 10.5
IRS 43 S+N 0.32 0.58 13 19 1.7 4.0
IRS 44 E+W 0.32 0.72 9 20 9.9 16.4
IRS 63 0.37 0.56 –1.7 4 0.7
Elias 32 0.32 0.58 21 3.8
RNO 91 0.28 0.52 17 11
SVS 20 S 0.42 0.46 1.1 4.2
SVS 20 N 0.42 0.46 8.5
GSS 30 0.30 0.53 49 58 3.2 12.2



Seeing in ′′, Equivalent width in km s-1.


P(9) rather than P(6).

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