Issue |
Volume 682, February 2024
Article Number | A163 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 February 2024 |
Experimental study of the binding energy of NH3 on different types of ice and its impact on the snow line of NH3 and H2O
LERMA, CY Cergy Paris University,
5 mail Gay Lussac,
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics,
Giessenbachstraße 1,
Context. Nitrogen-bearing molecules (such as N2H+ and NH3) are excellent tracers of high-density and low-temperature regions, such as dense cloud cores. Notably, they could help advance the understanding of snow lines in protoplanetary discs and the chemical evolution of comets. However, much remains unknown about the chemistry of N-bearing molecules on grain surfaces, which could play an important role in their formation and evolution.
Aims. In this work, we experimentally study the behaviour of NH3 on surfaces that mimic grain surfaces under interstellar conditions in the presence of some other major components of interstellar ices (i.e. H2O, CO2, CO). We measure the binding energy distributions of NH3 from different H2O ice substrates and also investigate how it could affect the NH3 snow line in protoplanetary discs.
Methods. We performed laboratory experiments using the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) set-up VENUS (VErs des NoUvelles Syntheses). We co-deposited NH3 along with other adsorbates (H2O, 13CO, and CO2) and performed temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and temperature programmed-during exposure desorption (TP-DED) experiments. The experiments were monitored using a quadrupole mass spectrometer and a Fourier transform reflection absorption infrared spectrometer (FT-RAIRS). We obtained the binding energy distribution of NH3 on crystalline ice (CI) and compact amorphous solid water ice by analysing the TPD profiles of NH3 obtained after depositions on these substrates.
Results. In the co-deposition experiments, we observed a significant delay in the desorption and a decrease of the desorption rate of NH3 when H2O is introduced into the co-deposited mixture of NH3–13CO or NH3–CO2, which is not the case in the absence of H2O. Secondly, we noticed that H2O traps roughly 5–9% of the co-deposited NH3, which is released during the phase change of water from amorphous to crystalline. Thirdly, we obtained a distribution of binding energy values of NH3 on both ice substrates instead of an individual value, as assumed in previous works. For CI, we obtained an energy distribution between 3780 K and 4080 K, and in the case of amorphous ice, the binding energy values were distributed between 3630 K and 5280 K; in both cases we used a pre-exponential factor of A = 1.94 × 1015 s−1.
Conclusions. From our experiments, we conclude that the behaviour of NH3 is significantly influenced by the presence of water, owing to the formation of hydrogen bonds with water, in line with quantum calculations. This interaction, in turn, preserves NH3 on the grain surfaces longer and up to higher temperatures, making it available closer to the central protostar in protoplanetary discs than previously thought. It explains well why the NH3 freeze-out in pre-stellar cores is efficient. When present along with H2O, CO2 also appears to impact the behaviour of NH3, retaining it at temperatures similar to those of water. This may impact the overall composition of comets, particularly the desorption of molecules from their surface as they approach the Sun.
Key words: astrochemistry / molecular processes / methods: laboratory: solid state / comets: general / protoplanetary disks / ISM: molecules
© The Authors 2024
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