Free Access
Volume 574, February 2015
Article Number A127
Number of page(s) 33
Section Extragalactic astronomy
Published online 05 February 2015

Online material

Appendix A: Atomic species

thumbnail Fig. A.1

Fine-structure emission grids with and without Γmech (Z = Z). Top: emission grids. Bottom: relative changes in the emissions as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emissions with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. A.2

Line ratios for the reference models as a function of Γmech for the atomic fine structure lines, Z = 0.1, 0.5, and 2 Z in the left, middle and right panels respectively.

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thumbnail Fig. A.3

Atomic line ratio grids as a function of Γmech for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z).

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Appendix B: Molecular species

thumbnail Fig. B.1

Top: emission grids of PDR models without mechanical heating for a selection of CO transitions for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z). Bottom: relative changes in the emission as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emission with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.2

Top: emission grids of PDR models without mechanical heating for a selection of 13CO transitions for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z). Bottom: relative changes in the emission as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emission with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.3

Top: emission grids of PDR models without mechanical heating for a selection of HCN and HNC transitions for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z). Bottom: relative changes in the emission as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emission with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.4

Various line ratios of HNC and HCN for the reference models (see Table 2) as a function of Γmech for Z = 0.1 Z (left), 0.5 Z (middle) and 2.0 Z (right.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.5

Top: emission grids of PDR models without mechanical heating for a selection of HCO+ transitions for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z). Bottom: relative changes in the emission as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emission with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.6

Top: emission grids of PDR models without mechanical heating for a selection of CN and CS transitions for AV = 10 mag (Z = Z). Bottom: relative changes in the emission as a function of α. The dashed contour traces the R = 1 line, where the emission with and without extra heating are the same. (See caption of Fig. 4.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.7

Various line ratios of HCO+, CS and CN for the reference models (see Table 2) as a function of Γmech for Z = 0.1 Z (left), 0.5 Z (middle) and 2.0 Z (right.)

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thumbnail Fig. B.8

Various line ratios (at AV = 10 mag) of HCN, HNC, HCO+, CN, and CS which show a strong dependence on Γmech for the reference models (see Table 2) for different metallicities, Z = 0.1 Z (left), 0.5 Z (middle) and 2.0 Z (right.)

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Appendix C: Several model grids

thumbnail Fig. C.1

Grids of CO and 13CO line ratios for different values of α for AV = 10 mag.

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thumbnail Fig. C.2

Grids of various combination of molecular line ratios for different values of α and AV = 10 mag.

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thumbnail Fig. C.3

Grids of HCN and HNC line ratios for different values of α and AV.

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thumbnail Fig. C.4

Grids of HNC and HCO+ line ratios for different values of α and AV.

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thumbnail Fig. C.5

Grids of HCN and HCO+ line ratios for different values of α and AV.

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thumbnail Fig. C.6

Grids of HCN, HNC and HCO+ line ratios (J = 1–0 and 8–7) for different cosmic ray ionization rates with AV = 10 mag.

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thumbnail Fig. C.7

Constraining the Γmech, AV, n and G0 for starburst galaxies. Illustration for Av = 10 mag. See caption of Fig. 16 for details.

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thumbnail Fig. C.8

Constraining the Γmech, AV, n and G0 for starburst galaxies. Illustration for Av = 30 mag. See caption of Fig. 16 for details.

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© ESO, 2015

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