Issue |
Volume 567, July 2014
Article Number | A142 | |
Number of page(s) | 15 | |
Section | Extragalactic astronomy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 31 July 2014 |
Online material
Appendix A: X-ray spectral results
In Tables A.1 and A.2 we report the results of the spectral fitting described in Sect. 3 for our XMM-Newton/EPIC sample.
Results of the spectral fits of the XMM-Newton observations of our sample.
Results of the spectral fits of the XMM-Newton observations of our sample.
Appendix B: Notes on the individual sources
In the following we report the details on the emission lines added to the best fits. IC 4329a – II. A narrow (σ = 1 eV) emission feature is detected in the spectrum. The narrow line is found at keV (
eV), and is likely to be Fe XXVI. NGC 4151 – I. The spectrum shows evidence of three narrow emission features at low energies. These features were fitted using Gaussian emission lines at
keV (
keV (
eV) and
keV (
eV). These lines are consistent with O VII, Ne IX, and Mg XI, respectively. NGC 4151 – II. Three narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The narrow lines were found to be at
keV (
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV), and they are consistent with O VII, Ne IX, and Mg XI, respectively. NGC 4151 – III. Three narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The three lines are at
keV (
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV), and they are consistent with O VII, Ne IX, and Mg XI, respectively. NGC 4151 – IV. Two narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The narrow features are found at
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV), and they are consistent with O VII and Ne IX, respectively. NGC 4151 – V. Two narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The narrow features are located at
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV), and they are consistent with O VII and Ne IX, respectively. NGC 4151 – VI. Two narrow emission features at
keV (
eV) and
keV (
eV) are detected. The two lines are consistent with O VII and Ne IX, respectively. NGC 4151 – VII. Five narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The energies of the narrow lines are
keV (
keV (
keV (
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV). These lines are consistent with being due to O VII, Ne IX, Mg XI, Si XIII, and to Fe XXVI, respectively.
NGC 4151 – VIII. Three narrow emission features at low energies are detected. The narrow lines have energies of keV (
keV (
eV), and
keV (
eV), and are consistent with O VII, Ne IX, and Si XIII, respectively. PG 0050+124 - I. The spectrum requires an additional line at
keV, likely due to Fe XXVI, with an equivalent width EW = 106 ± 24 eV. PG 0050+124 - II. Besides the Fe XXVI line at
keV (EW = 56 ± 13 eV), we found evidence of another unresolved ionised iron line (likely Fe XXV) at
keV (
). PG 1116+215 – I. Two lines at 6.7 keV (
) and 6.97 keV (
) are needed. The lines are consistent with being produced by emission of ionised iron (Fe XXV and Fe XXVI, respectively). PG 1116+215 – III. Two lines at 6.7 keV (
) and 6.97 keV (
) are needed. The two lines are consistent with being produced by emission of ionised iron (Fe XXV and Fe XXVI, respectively). PG 1126−041 – I. Two emission lines at low energies were also needed. The lines are located at E = 0.56 ± 0.01 keV (
) and E = 0.90 ± 0.02 keV (
), and are consistent with being due to O VII and Ne IX, respectively. PG 1126−041 – II. Two emission lines at E = 0.60 ± 0.03 keV (
) and E = 0.89 ± 0.03 keV (EW ≤ 280 eV) are also needed. The lines are consistent with being due to O VII and Ne IX, respectively. PG 1126−041 – III. The spectrum shows an additional emission line at E = 0.60 ± 0.02 keV (
), consistent with the O VII line. PG 1126−041 – IV. Two lines at low energy were also found. The line at E = 0.58 ± 0.01 keV (
), is likely due to O VII emission, while that at E = 0.93 ± 0.02 keV (
) is consistent with being Ne IX. Another emission line at
), consistent with being the He β form of Fe XXV, was also found. PG 1229+204. An emission line at E = 6.72 ± 0.05 keV (
), consistent with being due to the He α state of Fe XXV, is required. PG 1440+356 – II . An emission line at E = 6.72 ± 0.09 keV (
) was detected, and is likely the He α form of Fe XXV. PG 1440+356 – III. The spectrum shows evidence of emission due to the He α form of Fe XXV at E = 6.73 ± 0.10 keV (EW = 106 ± 41 eV). PG 1440+356 – IV. We found evidence of an emission feature at E = 6.79 ± 0.07 keV (EW = 197 ± 48 eV), which is probably due to the Heα state of Fe XXV.
© ESO, 2014
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