Free Access
Volume 557, September 2013
Article Number A14
Number of page(s) 22
Section Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations
Published online 14 August 2013

Online material

Appendix A: Fit results

thumbnail Fig. A.1

Results for the open cluster NGC 2477. Upper graphs show available UBV data and lower ones the weighted data (with symbol size and color ranging proportional to membership likelihood), the fitted isochrone (solid line) and the ZAMS (dashed line).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.2

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 7044.

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.3

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2266.

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.4

Same as Fig. A.1 for Berkeley 32.

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.5

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2682 (Ref. 31).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.6

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2682 (Ref. 54).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.7

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2682 (Ref. 335).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.8

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2506 (Ref. 284).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.9

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2506 (Ref. 163).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.10

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2355 (Ref. 44).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.11

Same as Fig. A.1 for NGC 2355 (Ref. 217).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.12

Same as Fig. A.1 for Melotte 105 (Ref. 289).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.13

Same as Fig. A.1 for Melotte 105 (Ref. 32).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.14

Same as Fig. A.1 for Trumpler 1 (Ref. 86).

Open with DEXTER

thumbnail Fig. A.15

Same as Fig. A.1 for Trumpler 1 (Ref. 320).

Open with DEXTER

© ESO, 2013

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