Free Access
Volume 552, April 2013
Article Number A12
Number of page(s) 24
Section Extragalactic astronomy
Published online 13 March 2013

Online material

thumbnail Fig. 1

Calibrated spectra of our observed PNe and compact H ii regions.

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thumbnail Fig. 1

continued. Note that for PN 74, the red spectrum has been obtained with grism 300I, which has a much lower resolution than 600B and 600RI.

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Table 4

Atomic data used in our abundance determinations.

Table 5

Electron densities and temperatures for the PNe and compact H ii regions in NGC 300.

Table 6

Ionic abundances for the PNe and compact H ii regions in NGC 300.

Table 7

Computed abundances for the PNe and H ii regions in NGC 300a.

Table 8

Straight-line fitting of the radial variations of abundance ratios for the PNe and H ii regions in NGC 300.

Table 9

Typical properties of PNe and their progenitors.

© ESO, 2013

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