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Fig. 7


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X-ray vs. EUV scaling laws and benchmark stellar sample. (Left) Measurements of the EUV to X-ray ratio vs. X-ray flux at the stellar surface for HIP 67522, the Sun, and other G-K-type stars. The names indicate benchmark stars with exoplanets. Different X-ray (5–100 Å) to EUV (100–920 Å) scaling laws are shown for comparison: the gray band indicates the 90% confidence region relative to the J21 scaling law (green dashed line). The golden band is the 90% confidence region for the SF22 scaling law, assuming stars with radii equal to that of HIP 67522, while the orange band is for stars with 0.7 R. The ranges for the Sun indicate its variability during an entire magnetic cycle. (Right) Analogous plot for the scaling laws of the EUV vs. X-ray luminosities. The gold dashed lines represent an extrapolation of the SF22 solution, while the gray-shaded area comprises stars with radii in the range 0.7–1.38 R.

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