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Fig. 2


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TEY from ammonia ices over different fluence ranges, at 23 (a) and 75 K (b). The inlets in panels a and b show the TEY below 400 eV. Panel c shows a zoom-in of the ammonia TEY around 401 eV (at 75 K) compared to the partial electron yield (PEY) from a pure N2 ice from Feulner et al. (1992), in arbitrary units. N2 formation during irradiation of ammonia ices is confirmed by the appearance of the N2 vibronic structure (green trace, spectral resolution of 20 meV). The legend gives the initial and final fluences for each energy scan. The photon flux is ~2 × 1011 ph s−1 for the black and green traces and ~2 × 1012 ph s−1 for the others.

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