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Fig. 2


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Spectral features of the phase curve and secondary eclipses. Top: amplitude and offset of the phase curves simulated with NIRSpec-PRISM and MIRI-LRS. Bottom: secondary eclipses in the NIRSpec-Prism and MIRI-LRS range. The dots represent the NIRSpec-PRISM range, while the diamonds are the MIRI-LRS range. Cloudless simulations are in blue, and cloudy simulations are in red. In all observing modes, the effect of clouds is unambiguously detectable. The zoomed-in subplot provides a better visualisation of NIRSpec-PRISM’s shorter wavelengths. The lines in which horizontal error bars encompass the entirety of the instrument bands correspond respectively to the white amplitude and offset of the instrument. Contributions from major chemical species are shown at the bottoms of the plot and zoomed-in subplot. In the right panel, the shaded region corresponds to a constant error (introduced by the model’s coarse horizontal resolution) of ∼2.8125° on the offset location, as each longitudinal grid cell spans an angular resolution of 5.625°. In the bottom panel, the shaded regions around the spectra correspond to the native resolution of the instruments and their errors.

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