Fig. 6.
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[Ar VI]/[Mg IV] vs. [Mg IV]/Hu-12 predicted by AGN (left) and shock (right) models. For the shock models we only consider the flux of the broad component of Hu-12 estimated from the broad to narrow flux ratio of Pf-γ. Left: Reference AGN models (Z⊙ and nH = 103 cm−3) for the low (blue), mid (orange), and high (red) Eddington ratio SEDs. The shaded areas highlight the range of ratios predicted varying the metallicities (0.4–2 Z⊙) and nH (102–105 cm−3). Models with the same ionization parameter, U, are connected by dashed lines. Right: Reference shock models (ram pressure R = 106) for the 0.5 Z⊙ (green), Z⊙ (black), and 2 Z⊙ (purple) metallicities. The shaded areas highlight the range of ratios predicted varying R (104–108). Models with the same shock velocity, vs, are connected by dashed lines. The observed ratios use the same symbols as in Fig. 3. The models are described in Sect. 4 and Appendix D.
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