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Fig. 2.


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Line maps and velocity fields for NGC 3256 S. The remaining objects are in Figs. A.1A.4. Top row from left to right: Line maps of Hu-12, H2 S(8), [Mg IV], and [Fe II]. The areas filled with purple crosses in the [Mg IV] panel correspond to regions where the CO v = 1–0 band is strong and complicates the modeling of the [Mg IV] line. The black cross indicates the position of the nucleus. Bottom row from left to right: Velocity fields from single Gaussian fits of Pf-γ, H2 S(8), [Mg IV], and [Fe II]. The circles in the first and third panel give the location and size of the selected regions. The units of the color scale are 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1 arcsec−1 for the line maps and km s−1 for the velocity fields.

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