Open Access

Table I.1.

Retrieved atmospheric parameters and prior probability distributions.

Parameter Bayesian Prior Description One offset Two offsets CLD DT NIRSpec only
log(XH2O) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of H2O
log(XCH4) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of CH4
log(XNH3) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of NH3
log(XCO) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of CO
log(XCO2) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of CO2
log(XHCN) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of HCN
log(XC2H2) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of C2H2
log(XC2H6) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of C2H6
log(XH2S) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of H2S
log(XSO2) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of SO2
log(XDMS) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of DMS
log(XCS2) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of CS2
log(XCH3Cl) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of CH3Cl
log(XOCS) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of OCS
log(XN2O) 𝒰(-12, -0.3) Mixing ratio of N2O
T0/K 𝒰(0, 500) Temperature at 1 μbar
T10mbar/K - Temperature at 10 mbar
𝒰(0.02, 2.00) P-T profile curvature
𝒰(0.02, 2.00) P-T profile curvature
log(P1/bar) 𝒰(-6, 1) P-T profile region limit
log(P2/bar) 𝒰(-6, 1) P-T profile region limit
log(P3/bar) 𝒰(-2, 1) P-T profile region limit
log(Pref/bar) 𝒰(-6, 1) Reference pressure at RP
log(a) 𝒰(-4, 10) Rayleigh enhancement factor
γ 𝒰(-20, 2) Scattering slope
log(Pc/bar) 𝒰(-6, 1) Cloud top pressure
ϕ 𝒰(0, 1) Cloud/haze coverage fraction
δNIRSpec/ppm 𝒰(-200, 200) NIRSpec dataset offset - -
δNRS1/ppm 𝒰(-200, 200) NIRSpec NRS1 dataset offset - - - -
δNRS2/ppm 𝒰(-200, 200) NIRSpec NRS2 dataset offset - - - -

Note. The five retrieval cases are described in Section 3. All parameter values correspond to the retrieved median and 1σ estimates. The temperature at 10 mbar, which corresponds to the observed photosphere, is derived from the retrieved P − T profile. Additional parameters for stellar heterogeneities are described in Appendix I.

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