Open Access

Table 1.

Retrieved molecular abundances of prominent molecules in the atmosphere of TOI-270 d.

Cases CH4 CO2 H2O NH3 CS2 C2H6 CO
One offset (4.9σ) (3.6σ) <  − 1.56 (1.6σ) <  − 5.75 (2.8σ) <  − 1.23 (2.3σ) <  − 1.63
Two offsets (4.6σ) (3.8σ) <  − 2.12 (1.7σ) <  − 6.19 (2.7σ) <  − 1.62 (2.0σ) <  − 2.01
One offset + CLD (3.8σ) (2.9σ) (4.4σ) <  − 5.33 (2.3σ) <  − 1.60 (1.9σ) <  − 3.37
One offset + DT (4.4σ) (3.9σ) (2.8σ) <  − 5.96 (3.0σ) <  − 1.72 (1.8σ) <  − 2.70
NIRSpec only <  − 1.99 <  − 5.87 <  − 1.16 <  − 1.63

Notes. These retrieval cases are described in Sect. 3. The molecular abundances are shown as log10 of volume mixing ratios, with the detection significance (DS) in parentheses for the four cases using the full spectrum, including WFC3 and NIRSpec data. The retrieved median and 1σ abundance estimates are given for CH4, CO2, CS2, and (in two cases) H2O. We give 95% upper limits for the remaining molecules with low DS values. We note that the canonical one-offset case is preferred over the two-offset case at 2.0σ. Nevertheless, we show the abundance constraints for the two-offset case for completeness. The DS values shown here, obtained from Bayesian model comparisons using nested sampling, have typical uncertainties of ∼0.1σ (Madhusudhan et al. 2023b). For reference, we also include the abundance constraints obtained with the NIRSpec data alone. All the retrieved properties for all the cases considered are shown in Table I.1.

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