Open Access

Table A.1.

Observed line parameters for the isomers and isotopologues of HNCS.

Species Ju − Jl Fu − Fla νrestb c vLSR Δvd e Notes
(MHz) (mK km s−1) (km s−1) (km s−1) (mK)
HCNS 3-2 36908.475±0.010 0.95±0.06 5.83 1.04±0.09 0.85±0.07
4-3 49211.115±0.010 0.77±0.11 5.83 0.47±0.08 1.56±0.14
6-5 73815.835±0.020 1.34±0.39 5.83 0.38±0.10 3.40±0.90
HNCS 303 − 202 2-2 35186.557±0.010 0.19±0.06 5.83 0.63±0.10 0.29±0.07
Main 35187.089±0.010 5.05±0.06 5.83 0.99±0.09 4.82±0.07
3-3 35187.445±0.010 0.16±0.04 5.83 0.46±0.11 0.33±0.07
404 − 303 3-3 46915.466±0.010 0.67±0.10 5.83 0.72±0.13 0.87±0.14 A
Main 46915.976±0.010 5.98±0.11 5.83 0.68±0.05 8.19±0.14
4-4 46916.349±0.010 0.27±0.10 5.83 0.51±0.23 0.50±0.14 A
707 − 606 Main 82101.810±0.010 6.04±0.09 5.83 0.45±0.07 12.68±2.10
808 − 707 Main 93830.036±0.010 3.29±0.16 5.83 0.53±0.04 5.83±0.60
HSCN 313 − 212 3-2 34227.919±0.020 0.14±0.06 5.83 0.62±0.12 0.21±0.09
313 − 212 Main 34228.329±0.010 0.39±0.06 5.83 0.84±0.14 0.44±0.09
303 − 202 3-3 34407.322±0.010 1.62±0.09 5.83 0.77±0.04 1.98±0.11
303 − 202 2-1 34408.425±0.010 7.74±0.08 5.83 0.72±0.01 10.26±0.11
303 − 202 Main 34408.660±0.010 28.58±0.09 5.83 0.90±0.01 29.82±0.11
303 − 202 2-2 34410.448±0.010 1.38±0.09 5.83 0.67±0.04 1.93±0.11
312 − 211 3-2 34587.252±0.010 0.27±0.05 5.83 1.02±0.21 0.24±0.06
312 − 211 Main 34587.606±0.010 0.35±0.05 5.83 1.53±0.32 0.21±0.06 B
414 − 313 4-3 45637.236±0.010 0.28±0.07 5.83 0.45±0.14 0.57±0.14
414 − 313 Main 45637.423±0.010 0.51±0.09 5.83 0.81±0.18 0.59±0.14
404 − 303 4-4 45876.458±0.010 0.80±0.07 5.83 0.61±0.05 1.24±0.14
404 − 303 3-2 45877.725±0.010 10.52±0.34 5.83 0.68±0.02 14.57±0.14
404 − 303 Main 45877.828±0.010 27.29±0.34 5.83 0.65±0.01 39.75±0.14
404 − 303 3-3 45878.621±0.010 0.39±0.08 5.83 0.88±0.08 0.41±0.14
413 − 312 4-3 46116.344±0.020 0.18±0.04 5.83 0.60±0.00 0.30±0.13 C
413 − 312 3-2 46116.396±0.020 0.28±0.07 5.83 0.60±0.00 0.31±0.13 C
413 − 312 5-4 46116.492±0.020 0.36±0.07 5.83 0.60±0.00 0.60±0.13 C
707 − 606 Main 80283.160±0.010 19.98±0.44 5.83 0.61±0.02 28.89±0.64
808 − 707 Main 80283.160±0.010 10.54±0.77 5.83 0.60±0.05 16.63±1.66
DSCN 313 − 212 Main 33258.268±0.010 0.24±0.07 5.83 0.72±0.21 0.32±0.09
303 − 202 Main 33581.957±0.010 0.33±0.04 5.83 0.87±0.11 0.35±0.06 D
312 − 211 Main 33905.771±0.003 ≤0.3
414 − 313 Main 44343.744±0.010 0.36±0.12 5.83 0.66±0.26 0.52±0.10
404 − 303 Main 44774.598±0.010 0.84±0.13 5.83 0.78±0.14 1.01±0.13
413 − 312 Main 45207.143±0.010 0.29±0.07 5.83 0.46±0.14 0.60±0.11
H34SCN 303 − 202 2-1 33642.089±0.020 0.39±0.07 5.83 0.91±0.17 0.40±0.07
303 − 202 Main 33642.328±0.010 0.98±0.07 5.83 0.96±0.09 0.96±0.07
404 − 303 Main 44856.085±0.020 0.64±0.05 5.83 0.57±0.06 1.06±0.11
NCS 5/2-3/2 ef 9/2-7/2 42699.184±0.010 2.25±0.07 5.83 0.67±0.02 3.14±0.10
5/2-3/2 ef 7/2-4/2 42702.930±0.010 2.10±0.08 5.83 0.82±0.04 2.39±0.10
5/2-3/2 ef 5/2-3/2 43705.851±0.010 1.61±0.08 5.83 0.81±0.05 1.88±0.10



Main refers to the three hyperfine components with the strongest line intensities, Fu − Fl=J + 1→J, JJ − 1, and J − 1→J − 2, respectively. These are unresolved but could produce a measurable line broadening. However, the model to compute the synthetic spectrum of all CHNS isomers and isotopologues takes into account all hyperfine components.


Observed frequencies for the transitions of the species studied in this work assuming a vLSR of 5.83 km s−1 (see text). For lines for which only upper limits to the intensity are obtained the predicted frequencies from the laboratory data are given.


Integrated line intensity in mK km s−1.


Line width at half intensity using a Gaussian fit in the line profile (in km s−1).


Antenna temperature (in mK). Upper limits correspond to 3σ values.


These hyperfine components appear too strong compared with the other transition of the same molecule. They are probably blended with unknown lines as shown in Fig. 1.


Heavily blended line. Derived parameters are uncertain (see Fig. A.2).


The hyperfine components are blended but produce a well-defined line profile. The line width has been fixed to 0.6 km s−1 (see Fig. A.2).


The main component is affected by a line of HC4N at +8 MHz in the frequency switching data with a throw of 8 MHz, and by a line of c-C3HCCH at -10 MHz in the data with a throw of 10 MHz. The corresponding line parameters are uncertain (see Fig. A.3).

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