Open Access

Table 2

Observation setting of sources.

Name Np Date Gain Bandpass Flux Beam size rms (mJy beam−1)
IRAS18114 1 2013 May J1733–1304 3C454.3 3C48 2.6″ × 4.0″ 3.6
G14.2 4 2013 May J1832–1035 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.1″ 3.8
I18223 4 2013 May J1832–1035 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.3″ 4.1
G14.99 1 2013 May J1832–1035 3C454.3 3C48 3.0″ × 4.4″ 6.2
G15.07 1 2013 May J1832–1035 3C454.3 3C48 2.8″ × 4.1″ 6.3
G15.19 1 2013 May J1832–1035 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.2″ 4.0
G79.3 3 2013 May J2015+3710 3C454.3 3C48 2.5″ × 3.9″ 2.0
G48.65 1 2013 Apr J1924+1540 J1925+2106 3C48 2.6″ × 4.1″ 1.9
G111–P8 1 2013 Apr J0014+6117 3C454.3 3C147 2.8″ × 4.1″ 2.2
G11.11 7 2014 Sep nrao530 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.4″ 5.3
CFG47 1 2014 Sep J1925+2106 3C454.3 3C48 3.0″ × 4.5″ 9.7
CFG49 1 2014 Sep J1925+2106 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.3″ 5.6
CFG64 5 2014 Sep J2023+3153 3C454.3 3C48 2.9″ × 4.4″ 8.7
IRDC28.23 2 2014 Sep J1851+0035 3C454.3 3C48 2.5″ × 3.9″ 7.2

Notes. VLA Observation settings of sources in Fig. 1. They are listed as the number of the pointing observation (Np), the observation date, the standard calibrators of the gain, bandpass and flux, the beam size in NH3 (1,1), and the background noise in mJy beam−1.

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