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Fig. 1


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Infrared environment of the sample. The background shows the Spitɀer (Spitzer Science Center (SSC) & Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) 2021) infrared three-color images (blue: 3.6 μm; green: 4.5 μm; red: 8 μm). White contours are ATLASGAL (Schuller et al. 2009) 870 μm continuum emission, with levels starting from 5σ increasing in steps of f(n) = 3 × np + 2, where n = 1,2,3, …,N. If no ATLASGAL data, then Herschel 250 μm continuum emission is used. The green circles with labels mark the VLA field of view (FoV) of ~eq2 arcmin.

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