Fig. 2.


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Comparison of the peak-intensity electron spectra: observation (top) vs. model (bottom). In the top two panels the points in cyan signify the first peak, while points in blue denote the second peak. The corresponding fits are indicated by orange for the first peak and blue for the second. The background that has been subtracted from each energy channel is represented by points in gray. Top left: Broken power-law fits applied to both peaks. Top right: Broken power-law fits with an exponential roll-over (or cutoff) for the two peaks. Bottom left: Ensemble of runs indicated by the gray shaded region with varying κ ∼ 3 − 4 and θBn ∼ 87° −89.5°. A single power-law fit and exponential roll-over (blue dashed line), and a broken power-law fit (red dashed line) are shown for the modeled mean. The fit for the first peak from top left panel is illustrated by the olive-black dash-dotted line. The mean roll-over (Ec) and break energies (Eb) of the ensemble and its standard deviation are also shown. Bottom right: Modeled results using κ ∼ 3.5 for different θBn (88° −89.5°). The corresponding break energies are indicated by the vertical dashed lines.

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