Fig. 1.


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Overview of the in situ shock and energetic electrons observed by Solar Orbiter on 25 July 2022. The arrival of the shock at 06:22:47 is indicated by the vertical gray dashed line in all panels. The first panel shows the differential intensities of energetic electrons observed by the south telescopes of EPT and HET (covering a stable pitch angle of 180° throughout the shown period). The upstream FABs are observed between 06:06:00 and 06:08:30 UT, and are indicated by the gray shaded region. Figure A.1 shows the differential intensities across all viewing directions. The second panel presents the pitch-angle coverage for the different viewing directions of EPT and HET, where the gradients in color indicate the different telescope openings of EPD/EPT (smaller) and EPD/HET (larger). The third and fourth panels show the components of the magnetic field, and bulk flow velocity, while the fifth panel presents the ion number density and proton temperature.

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