Open Access

Table A.1.

Details of the number of particles (N) and size (R1/2) of all clusters at z = 6 and the resulting UFDs at z = 0.

f⋆,fid/f = 1 f⋆,fid/f = 2 f⋆,fid/f = 4 f⋆,fid/f = 8 f⋆,fid/f = 16
Halo ID Cluster ID R1/2/[pc] N R1/2/[pc] N R1/2/[pc] N R1/2/[pc] N R1/2/[pc] N
h277 cluster1 28.99 1840 20.49 920 15.16 460 11.02 230 9.15 115
cluster0 24.58 1440 19.03 720 15.95 360 13.02 180 10.87 90
cluster3 10.48 240 8.29 120 7.30 60 5.53 30 1.12 15
UFD 96.86 3520 88.99 1760 77.41 880 84.43 440 69.41 220
h249 cluster2 21.86 1680 16.54 840 13.25 420 10.37 210 8.05 105
cluster0 15.75 720 11.96 360 8.72 180 6.23 90 5.20 45
cluster1 7.35 80 5.83 40 1.61 20 4.49 10 4.27 5
UFD 59.14 2480 49.57 1240 45.15 620 41.36 310 37.11 155
h315 cluster0 14.21 320 11.96 160 10.09 80 7.52 40 2.06 20
cluster1 7.57 160 5.77 80 4.21 40 1.27 20 2.97 10
UFD 53.48 480 48.94 240 45.09 120 37.46 60 37.50 30
h323 cluster0 25.80 2556 19.33 1278 14.73 639 11.12 319 8.70 159
cluster1 7.77 156 6.33 78 4.73 39 1.22 19 3.19 9
UFD 36.08 2712 31.37 1356 28.51 678 26.55 338 25.47 168
h170 cluster2 20.29 560 15.00 280 11.64 140 9.01 70 5.51 35
cluster0 14.75 560 10.79 280 8.20 140 6.12 70 3.60 35
cluster3 12.00 160 9.75 80 9.37 40 2.71 20 6.79 10
cluster4 8.89 80 6.62 40 1.77 20 3.64 10 2.89 5
cluster5 12.54 400 9.79 200 8.66 100 5.71 50 4.29 25
UFD 89.34 1760 84.33 880 76.64 440 74.41 220 53.99 110
h273 cluster3 20.05 1120 14.37 560 10.60 280 8.34 140 6.38 70
cluster0 10.05 80 8.50 40 2.37 20 4.58 10 5.35 5
cluster1 7.36 80 5.26 40 0.90 20 3.24 10 2.47 5
cluster2 7.52 160 5.44 80 4.68 40 1.43 20 3.17 10
cluster4 6.95 80 4.12 40 0.93 20 3.50 10 2.31 5
UFD 48.33 1520 45.21 760 39.12 380 34.97 190 34.27 95
h291 cluster0 34.82 400 28.79 200 20.26 100 14.00 50 8.87 25
cluster2 9.31 80 9.96 40 3.16 20 9.84 10 8.25 5
UFD 77.82 480 70.92 240 62.96 120 54.05 60 41.81 30

Notes. Values are given for a specific f⋆,fid/f ratio.

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