Open Access

Table 1.

Impurity parameter Qimp in the inner crust for different temperatures.

Density Temperature (MeV)
(fm−3) 0.5 kBTm 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.001 6.73 4.00 13.41 21.52 55.75
0.005 8.67 7.31 18.16 49.65 106.76
0.010 10.74 10.88 24.69 117.81 23.21
0.015 12.85 14.42 41.62 81.21 3.06
0.020 15.02 18.27 84.15 21.20 1.08
0.025 17.68 23.58 114.79 4.41 0.61
0.030 20.89 36.22 77.58 1.57 0.41
0.035 26.62 70.06 29.61 0.84 0.30
0.040 40.09 108.84 8.26 0.54 0.23
0.045 71.04 81.13 2.67 0.39 0.19
0.050 108.29 25.97 1.25 0.29 0.16
0.055 89.51 4.76 0.74 0.24 0.14
0.060 33.78 1.28 0.52 0.21 0.14
0.065 7.29 0.57 0.41 0.20 0.16
0.070 2.27 0.35 0.39 0.24 0.19

Notes. The results are obtained with the fully self-consistent MCP calculation.

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