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Fig. 15.


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Impurity parameter at different temperatures. Panel a: crystallisation temperature kBTm calculated using Eq. (49) as a function of the baryon density nB. Panel b: impurity parameter Qimp in the fully self-consistent MCP calculation as a function of nB evaluated at the crystallisation temperature kBTm (green points) and at four fixed temperatures: kBT = 0.5 MeV (magenta points), kBT = 1.0 MeV (red points), kBT = 1.5 MeV (blue points), and kBT = 2.0 MeV (black points). Solid lines are obtained from the fit given by Eq. (50). Panel c: absolute error in the fitting formula (|ΔQimp| = |calculated Qimp – fit|).

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